16 January 2012


Nowadays, I am interested in creating anime videos to teach something, especially to teach English. Mr. Neufeld shared a video named Duolingo. I like its content and also the figures of anime. These animation videos can be very attractive and interesting for the students. Moreover, when I did something interesting and useful for teaching English, I felt myself motivated as a future English teacher. I am a huge fan of the technology. I wrote to the publisher of Duolingo video because I wanted to learn how they created this kind of video. They replied me that they paid money to a company and this company created this video. I was very upset when I heard this.
I had no time to search for free software to create an animated  video. Mr. Neufeld send some links for free usage of animated video. One of them is clay animator web-site. Here is how a clay animator video can be made.I haven't tried it yet, but When I have time, I will try to do it and I will upload the video which is stop-motion and will be created by me. :) A boy uploaded a video which tells the steps of creating a stop motion on youtube. He calls this kind of video monkeyjam. These are free and web- based.

In descriptive videos, we captured the scene by holding the camera above the area. However, in this monkeyjam video, the camera can be on a plane. I think, even one person can create a video like this. Then,  one can create an audio in which one tell and explain what is going on the video in audacity. This audio can be added to the stop motion. I am very willing to create one. :)

This video is made with the clay animator. These will be very enjoyable during the lessons. :)

1 comment:

  1. I really like this idea, and thanks a lot to share with us :) I think it is especially really effective for young learners. We can easily get children attention, and we can teach important tips through these videos. I think videos are more memorable then anything written. That is why to teach important tips and grammar rules or anything else I think anime videos can be perfect. :)
